Create a Quiz. The academic subject for which the text must be created - Biology. It should be for students studying at Year or Grade 8 (age...
What to createQuiz
Which subjectBiology
What age groupYear or Grade 8
What topicMitosis
Question typesOpen-ended
Number of questions9
Number of answers9
Correct answersExactly 1
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Test your knowledge on Mitosis!

  1. What is the purpose of mitosis?

  2. How is the DNA organized during interphase?

  3. What are the four stages of mitosis?

  4. What are centrioles and what is their role in mitosis?

  5. How does cytokinesis differ in plant and animal cells?

  6. How does the number of chromosomes in a daughter cell compare to the number in the parent cell after mitosis?

  7. What is the significance of mitosis in multicellular organisms?

  8. How does meiosis differ from mitosis?

  9. If a cell has 12 chromosomes before mitosis, how many chromosomes will each of the resulting daughter cells have after mitosis?


  1. To divide one cell into two identical daughter cells.
  2. The DNA is spread out as chromatin.
  3. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
  4. Centrioles are organelles that move to opposite poles of the cell and help organize the microtubules involved in cell division.
  5. Cytokinesis in animal cells involves a cleavage furrow, while in plant cells, a cell plate forms.
  6. The number of chromosomes in the daughter cells is the same as the parent cell.
  7. Mitosis allows organisms to grow, heal, and replace damaged or dead cells.
  8. Meiosis involves two rounds of cell division, resulting in four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
  9. Each daughter cell will have 12 chromosomes.