Create a Quiz. The academic subject for which the text must be created - English. It should be for students studying at Adult courses. Requi...
What to createQuiz
Which subjectEnglish
What age groupAdult courses
What topicPollution
Question typesMixed
Number of questions5
Number of answers5
Correct answersExactly 1
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Answer the following questions related to pollution.

  1. What types of pollution are there?

  2. State the sources of water pollution.

A. Chemical contaminants B. Pathogens C. Nutrients D. Thermal pollution E. Sediment

  1. What are the causes of air pollution?

  2. Identify the different types of indoor pollution.

A. Radon B. Tobacco smoke C. Biological contaminants D. Household Chemicals E. Carbon monoxide

  1. What is the effect of pollution on human health?