Create a Quiz. The academic subject for which the text must be created - Science. It should be for students studying at Year or Grade 5 (age...
What to createQuiz
Which subjectScience
What age groupYear or Grade 5
What topicLight
Question typesMixed
Number of questions5
Number of answers5
Correct answersExactly 1
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Test your knowledge about light with this quiz!

  1. What is light?

  2. Name three things that light can travel through. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____

  3. Name three things that light cannot travel through. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____

  4. How does light travel? A. In straight lines B. In zigzag lines C. In circular lines D. In wavy lines

  5. What is a shadow? A. A reflection of an object B. A dark area created by an object blocking light C. A type of light that is only visible at night D. A bright area created by an object reflecting light


  1. Light is a form of energy that travels in a straight line and can be seen by the human eye.
  2. A. Air B. Water C. Glass
  3. A. Brick B. Metal C. Wood
  4. A. In straight lines
  5. B. A dark area created by an object blocking light.